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Liposuction For Men Chicago | Dr. Kotis Specials


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Fat deposits can develop throughout the body, lingering despite your best efforts to exercise, eat right, and manage stress. Male liposuction is a solution that rids the body of those relentless fat deposits, creating a sculpted physique. Dr. Kotis is a board certified plastic surgeon located in Chicago, Illinois, who performs liposuction procedures for men who live in Chicago and the surrounding areas.

What is Liposuction?

Male liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure that targets unwanted fat deposits, removing them from certain areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, upper arms, chin, and neck. Men commonly choose liposuction to target fat deposits below the chin and throughout the waist. The procedure is also referred to as lipoplasty or a suction lipectomy.

Dr. Kotis employs techniques such as ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty, the super-wet technique, and the tumescent technique to offer defined results and faster recovery periods.

Liposuction For Men Chicago



Candidates for male liposuction

Men who are strong candidates for male liposuction are those who are at a healthy weight, with good skin elasticity, who have excess fat in areas of the body. Age isn’t a huge concern, though older men may not have strong skin elasticity, and not be able to achieve the same results through liposuction as a younger man with taut skin.

Those who have realistic goals for the procedure are the best candidates for liposuction. During your consultation, be sure to discuss your expectations for the procedure with Dr. Kotis.

Planning For Liposuction

When meeting with Dr. Kotis, he will review your health history and examine your body to identify fat deposits while determining your skin’s elasticity and condition. He will detail the liposuction method(s) he feels would be most appropriate or your treatment. Additional procedures may be discussed if he feels another procedure would better meet your needs, or he may create a treatment plan which involves additional procedures to best achieve the results you desire.

Planning for liposuction can feel overwhelming. Dr. Kotis is an excellent resource for his patients and will develop a tailored treatment plan which addresses your needs and goals while considering cost and effectiveness of the procedures.

Preparing To Undergo Liposuction

Dr. Kotis will provide instructions you must follow to prepare for liposuction. This includes information on your diet, medications, and supplements you can and cannot take as well as smoking cessation. Your procedure may be postponed if you fall ill, or contract a skin infection prior to surgery.

Someone will need to accompany you to the clinic on the day of the procedure, to drive you home. You may wish to arrange for care at home for a few days, if needed, following liposuction.

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Liposuction For Men Chicago

Anesthesia Types

General anesthesia is typically given prior to the liposuction procedure. If other anesthesia options are available in your case, Dr. Kotis will inform you of the options at your consultation.

The Liposuction Procedure

The length of a liposuction procedure depends on factors such as body structure, the volume of fat to be removed, and anesthesia methods. A minimal incision is made near the fat deposit, and a cannula is inserted to vacuum away fat layers deep below the skin’s surface. By pushing and retracting the cannula, fat cells are broken down and can be suctioned out of the body. Suction is performed via vacuum pump or syringe. If liposuction is used to address multiple areas of the body, Dr. Kotis will complete one area and move to the next, repeating the above steps while working to minimize incision appearance.

Various liposuction methods are available to treat fat deposits. Prior to your surgery, Dr. Kotis will determine which are appropriate for your condition and explain them to you. Below are the techniques which may be used.

  • Fluid injection liposuction. A medicated solution of intravenous salt, lidocaine, and epinephrine will be injected into a fat deposit prior to its removal. This solution allows fat deposits to be extracted more easily, offers anesthesia during and following the procedure, and minimizes blood loss.

  • Tumescent liposuction. This method is often used with patients requiring local anesthesia only and requires more time than other methods. Large volumes of injected fluid containing an anesthetic, up to as much as three times the volume of fat to be removed, are administered which forces the fat tissues into a swollen, firm, and tumescent state – hence the procedure’s name.

  • Super-wet liposuction. This technique is comparable to the tumescent technique, but utilizes less fluid – typically, it uses fluid volumes equal to the volume of fat being removed. IV sedation or general anesthesia is usually required, and the procedure lasts one to two hours.

  • Ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL). This technique utilizes a cannula that emits ultrasonic energy. This energy causes fat cell walls to explode and liquefy as the cannula passes through. Then, traditional liposuction is used to suction out fat. UAL has been proven to increase ease and efficacy for liposuction employed in fibrous areas, including the upper back and male chest. It takes longer than traditional liposuction but offers enhanced precision.

How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

Liposuction procedures are tailored to the needs of each male patient, making every procedure unique. Procedure cost is affected by factors such as technique and fat volume to be removed. When developing your treatment plan, Dr. Kotis will inform you of the cost. We offer financing for your convenience.

Aftercare Following Your Liposuction Procedure

You will need someone to drive you home following a male liposuction procedure. You may also wish to have someone with you at home for assistance for a day or more. Depending on the extent of your liposuction procedure, you may feel comfortable moving around after the surgery. Dr. Kotis may require you wear an elastic garment after liposuction to improve healing.

Most patients return to work a few days after liposuction. You’ll feel much better a week or two following the procedure. Internal stitches will dissolve without removal.

Strenuous physical activity must be avoided for approximately a month to facilitate healing. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled so Dr. Kotis may monitor the healing process and to assess procedure results. Patients should call Dr. Kotis’s office if abnormal symptoms arise during the recovery period.

ScheduleA Consultation

Dr. John A. Kotis is a renowned plastic surgeon, considered one of the most skilled in the Midwest. Dr. Kotis sees male plastic surgery patients in his practice’s Arlington Heights and Lakeview offices. If you’re considering Liposuction, contact us today to set up a consultation with Dr. Kotis.

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