Bruises Be Gone
As the rate of women getting non-surgical and surgical procedures rises, there is a greater need for camouflaging techniques to hide any bruising that may occur as a result afterwards. There are a lot of useful products on the market that can help conceal such imperfections, and there are certain ways to use these cosmetics to further enhance your results as well.
Bruises can come in an array of different colors, but typically start out as red and then progress to purple, black, or blue and eventually fade to a yellow or greenish color as an indication that the bruise is almost healed. A full coverage foundation, concealer, and powder for moderate to major localized skin flaws can offer buildable coverage to smooth, hydrate, and hide any scars, dark under eye circles, blemishes, age spots, bruises, or freckles. Follow these simple steps on how to enhance your natural beauty with various camouflaging techniques.
To start, always begin with freshly washed/sanitized hands; you can use your fingers, a clean brush, or an unused disposable makeup sponge that can be purchased at any local drug store. Only use a small amount of the product- you can always add more and build over what you’ve started with. First, use a primer; this will help smooth out the texture of your skin before foundation application, that way the foundation won’t clog your pores, and the makeup won’t look caked on. Second, you may add a color corrector with a green base to any reddish tones to cancel the color out (since red and green are complimentary colors). Then, apply the foundation to your entire face to even out your skin tone. Next, gently cover the bruise(s) with concealer. If the bruises have a purple tone to them, use a yellow base since the colors will cancel each other out. Don’t completely blend the concealer in. Give it a little time to dry on your skin and then finish blending after a minute. Lastly, apply powder to help set everything!
We all know bruising is typically part of any non-surgical or surgical recovery process, but there are ways to conceal and make it less obvious that any sort of procedure was ever done. There are specific brands that specialize in concealing post-procedure bruises and imperfections, so ask your dermatologist, plastic surgeon, or any professional makeup artist what he or she would recommend. A lot of beauty bloggers and makeup artists post YouTube videos that offer visual lessons on how to apply the makeup as well which help! It is said that “beauty is pain,” but beauty should never look painful.