Can I Wear Makeup After My Brow Lift?
As summer gets into full swing, opportunities abound to spend a fun day out on the town in Chicago or Arlington, Illinois. From a fun weekend trip to the lake, to a night on a rooftop bar, to an outdoor concert, our patients love living life to the fullest. Naturally, when a patient decides to undergo plastic surgery to improve their health and well being, they want to know how soon they will be able to return to their normal life and enjoy the results of their procedure.
After brow lift procedures, many of our patients want to know how long they will have to wait before they can wear makeup. For many, makeup is considered a requirement to going out in public, so we know that when patients ask when they can wear makeup, they are really asking how soon they can return to their normal life. Although Dr. Kotis would be excited to discuss these questions with you at length during an in-person consultation, here is everything you need to know about recovering from a brow lift.
The Recovery Phase
Luckily, skin on your face heals quicker than other areas. For the first few weeks, you may notice bruises, redness, or discoloration of the skin around the surgical site. Although it might be tempting to apply makeup to conceal this area, it is best to wait until a doctor has cleared you to wear makeup. Applying makeup before your skin is completely healed could lead to worse scars, slower healing, or infection and in some cases even reopen the incision. To ensure the best long-term results from your brow lift, Dr. Kotis recommends that his patients refrain from using makeup through the initial recovery phase. After about two weeks, most patients are healed and ready to wear makeup. The wait will be well worth it once you see your stunning results.
Once Full Recovery is Achieved
Once full recovery of your facial surgery is achieved, you can return to life as normal. After just a few weeks, you will be working, spending time with your friends and family, and getting dressed up for nice nights out on the town just as you did before your brow lift. The only difference is that your dream results will finally be attained. Although it may take anywhere from weeks to months for the full results to be visible, you will see a noticeable change fairly soon.
If you have any other questions, feel free to call Dr. Kotis to schedule a consultation. Call today to schedule a procedure that could change your life!