Gynecomastia After Weight Loss
Have you experienced massive weight loss, but now suffer from “man boobs”? First of all, Dr. Kotis would like to commend you on your weight loss. Congratulations on losing the weight! That’s a fantastic achievement. Massive weight loss through either dieting or gastric bypass surgery addresses one issue, obesity, which carries many health risks for men that can be reduced considerably by weight loss, however, weight loss is also unpredictable – one cannot dictate to one’s body where the fat goes, and “man boobs” or gynecomastia can develop.
Gynecomastia, a term that comes from the Greek words for “women-like breasts,” can result in genuine psychological distress for those with the condition, and unfortunately many common derogatory terms and insults are used toward men who are suffering. While support groups exist to help improve the self-esteem of affected individuals, many patients want to address this condition proactively.
Oftentimes, patients turn to exercise to address this issue of loose skin. Weight lifting will definitely help you build muscles, but not enough to decrease all of the loose skin in your chest region. Exercise, to a small degree, can help, but you cannot exercise your skin or return its lost elasticity, and therefore you will need to reduce your excess skin via plastic surgery. Gynecomastia surgery is the only way to get optimum results when treating gynecomastia.
So, while unfortunately weight lifting won’t eliminate your male breasts, it is still great exercise, so, by all means, continue to pump iron, but you should consider gynecomastia after weight loss with Dr. Kotis.
Gynecomastia after weight loss, as done by Dr. Kotis, has a goal to create a masculine, natural-looking chest in which your scars are positioned discreetly. Gynecomastia surgery, or more commonly referred to as male breast reduction, comes in different techniques based on the scar appearance. However, massive weight loss patients should accept that they need an extensive amount of work to achieve good results.
Most gynecomastia surgeries use a U-shaped incision within the lower border of the areola (about 4 to 8 o’clock) so the resulting scars blend in with the skin. With this technique, Dr. Kotis is able to remove the excess glandular tissue. However, only men with young, elastic skin can reap the benefits of a U-shaped incision technique. If you have more redundant skin, that must be removed to achieve the ideal masculine contour.
You’ve done a great job on losing so much weight, and you will feel even better about your hard-earned weight loss with dramatically noticeable improvements in your chest region following gynecomastia surgery.
Your weight loss is a significant accomplishment, so why not schedule your consultation with Dr. Kotis today, and find out how to get your masculine chest back!